Recovery, Renewal and Growth

From Prison Boot Camp to Recovery Wellness Center Founder

Crystal Hill, founder of Twin Cities Wellness Center – Recovery Gym, remembers the exact moment she decided to get sober. She stood at the black line for boot camp during her second incarceration. Sergeants and CEOs were verbally in her face, “You think you’re a pretty girl. You think you can change when you want …

Cost-effective Solutions for Alcohol Use Disorder with Next Generation Technology

Having founded several business start-ups in his life, David Gandini wanted to make a difference with his next one. “I really wanted to do something that would have more of a social impact or a long-lasting impact. So, when I am discussing what I did in my life with my grandchildren, I can point to …

12 Months to Change My Life… All Over Again

I always believed that self-help wasn’t suitable for people with bipolar disorder. This year, however, I am experimenting on myself. In 2010, when I embraced recovery, numerous doctors and counselors advised me to avoid the personal development industry. They said a severe mental health diagnosis comes with many limitations that popular self-help practices may not …

Ask the Expert: Saul Selby of Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge

We feature an expert in the mental health and substance use disorder field to answer questions. This issue we talk to Saul Selby of Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge about using cannabis in treatment. Q: How did you get into the behavioral health field? I received treatment for drug and alcohol addiction at the age of …

Housing Resources Key to Stability for Many in Recovery

Secure, stable housing is more than just a roof over one’s head — it is the foundation upon which health, safety, and long-term success are built. Without access to stable housing, individuals struggling with substance use disorders face additional barriers to healing, reintegrating, and thriving in their communities. At the Minnesota Department of Human Services …

Looking for Hope

“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope.” Barbara Kingsolver We are halfway through the 2020s, 25% through the 21st century. Startling! This 20s decade has been off to a rough start. The COVID-19 virus that …

How to Help Someone Who Struggles With Fear and Anxiety

Do you know a friend or loved one who suffers from fear, anxiety, and depression and do not know what to do to help them? It can be frustrating to watch someone you know struggle with their mental health and not be able to do anything to relieve their suffering. With this in mind, here …

A New Year Coming – Resolutions?

As we move more deeply into December and prepare for the coming holidays — a delight for some, misery for others — we look ahead to a new year about to begin. This means that ’24 is rapidly coming to a conclusion. We are in a kind of in-between time, and this transition time means …

Living a Meaningful Life

“Being empty is a lot like knowing the words to a song but not knowing the music. Feeling full is just the opposite. You know both the words and the music to the song and are able to sing them aloud with your whole heart.” *** “I don’t know why I’m I so unhappy. I’m …

Being Used is Different From Being Loved

“It’s not the pretending, but the pretending that we are not pretending that hurts us.” — Sheldon Kopp, psychoanalyst and author Most of us at least intellectually understand that real love is different from exploitive caring. Caring for someone because of what they do for us is not the same as caring for someone because …