Beyond The Imprint: A New Modality for Mental Health Practitioners and Those Seeking Their Help

By Kate O’Connell

This book is an introduction to the science of epigenetics and how our DNA and environment influence thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. O’Connell uses her own family tree to describe how she was influenced by familial behaviors and patterns.

Mental health professionals may find value in this approach to understanding how individuals are imprinted by their family and dysfunctional patterns are formed. Each chapter concludes with a summary such as O’Connell’s statement regarding the Therapeutic Relationship and compassion fatigue, “Fatigue, exhaustion and second-hand trauma develops from the conscious and unconscious identification that what is occurring in the moment needs to look different, and it is the therapist’s responsibility to ensure that it does.”

This method helps one look deeper into family dysfunction.

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Happy Holidays and Peace for the New Year — The Phoenix

Last Updated on February 6, 2020