To send us your ad, please fill out the form below, attach your ad and we’ll let you know we’ve received it (and if we see any issues).
Before uploading, please be sure your ads meet the following requirements. If you have questions or need help formatting your ad, please contact us at Thank you!
- If your ad doesn’t have a border, please be sure to include trim marks.
- Great ads are often simple (not copy-heavy), and cause the viewer to take action (visit a website, call a phone number, ie).
- Beware of small fonts. Please ensure your fonts are above 7pt.
- Reverse text (white over other colors) can be problematic – especially if smaller font.
- We prefer PDF, JPG, AI, TIF formats, with at least 300 ppi resolution.
- Ensure your ad is sized correctly.
- Make sure your ad is 4-color (CMYK).
- If you are using blacks, please make them a full black (0,0,0,100 CMYK vs 71, 67, 65, 78 CMYK).
- If you think it looks too dark on screen, it will show up even darker in print.