Co-dependants Anonymous (CoDA): Mondays 7:30 pm, in person at Gratitude Group Club, 5748 Nicollet Av, Upstairs, Richfield MN 55419. Open to men and women. For more info contact Pete 612-910-7040.
Alanon 12-Step Group. We meet Mondays at 1:30pm in person at Minneapolis United Methodist Church at 3701 E. 50th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55417. Open to men and women. We are a kind, compassionate group and welcome all.
CHOW – Culinary Hospitality Outreach and Wellness: Monday (also Tuesday & Wednesdays) at 7pm CST. CHOW is an organization led by culinary and hospitality peers. We believe in a future where our community never loses another person to addiction, burnout, or mental health concerns. We create safe and supportive opportunities for the industry to connect and discuss problems they’re facing with others who “get it.” Working in the hospitality industry is tough. Let’s talk about it. Meetings are currently in virtual format via Zoom. Please visit our website or Facebook page for codes to join in or contact:
St Paul Men’s Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA): Mondays 6:30pm, Macalester Plymouth United 1658 Lincoln Ave. St Paul 55105. Open group for men only. For more info contact Paul M 651-307-3480;
Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA): Mondays 7pm, Unity Christ Church 4000 Golden Valley Rd., Golden Valley 55422 Open to men and women. For more info contact Tim C 763-377-0090;
12 Steps & Mindfulness: 7:00-8:15pm, Clouds in Water Zen Center – online only. Zoom Meeting ID: 960 4713 0774, Passcode: 682463. Meditation plus step discussion. Questions?
Online Gamers Anonymous and Olganon meeting has started in Minnesota. It is on Mondays at 6:30 at the Cavalier Club, 7179 Washington Ave. South, Edina. Cavalier Club is located on the corner of Valley View and HWY 169.. Plenty of free parking! If video games or other excessive tech use is making your life unmanageable or if someone you care about is gaming excessively, we’d love to meet you. More info on this emerging 12 Step Movement at
1900 Mens Alanon, Mond 5:45-7:15pm, 12-Step meeting, step presentation and small groups, fellowship. 1900 Nicollet Ave., Plymouth Congregational Church. Tom W., 612-281-5230. Enter at parking lot.
Overeaters Annonymous: Monday mornings, 10-11am. 3rd floor, handicapped accessible. Minnehaha United Methodist Church 3701 50th St Mpls 55407. For more info call Ana 651-592-7510
Understanding Eating Disorders, Treatment, and Recovery: Second Monday of each month, 6-8:30 p.m. The Emily Program staff provides answers to common questions and concerns of families and friends “new” to eating disorders, treatment and recovery. 2265 Como Ave, St. Paul, 55108. Free, drop in. Visit www. or call 651.645.5323.
Friends and Families of Suicide: a place of support and comfort where those that have lost a loved one to suicide will be comfortable talking about their own loss as well as hearing about the losses of others. Meets the 3rd Monday of every month 7-9pm, Twin Cities Friends Meeting, 1725 Grand Ave., St Paul, 55105. For info email ffosmn@yahoo. com or call Tracy @ 651.587.8006.
Debtors Anonymous: a group of men and women who use the 12-Step program to solve problems of debt and other money issues:, 952-953-8438, Mon., 7:00 – 8:30 pm, St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church, 3450 Irving Av S, Mpls, MN 55408 (from South parking lot use the door next to the flag).
Underearners Anonymous: Mondays 5:30 PM. In person step study meeting of Underearners Anonymous. St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church3450 Irving Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55408. More information:
Gratitude Group Codependents Anonymous: 7:30-8:30 p.m., at Gratitude Group, 5748 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis. Meetings are open to all CoDependents. Contact phone numbers are 612-968-4902 or 952-201-3271
Last Updated on June 26, 2024