Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA): Saturdays 12pm-1:30pm, Suburban North Alano at 15486 Territorial Rd. Maple Grove 55369. Open to men and women. For more info contact Janine 763-458-0812;
Debtors Anonymous: men and women using the 12 Steps to solve problems with debt and other money issues. 952-953-8438. 9:00–10:00 AM CST, Hybrid: Unity Church Unitarian, 733 Portland Ave, St Paul, 55104, lower level, science room (green door) – accessible entrance from the parking lot off Holly Ave, take elevator down to lower level. Via Zoom: Link: Meeting ID: 423 199 2812 Passcode: SMPLS; Phone: 312-626-6799, password 772812
Spenders Anonymous: Our purpose is to stop spending compulsively and work toward serenity in our relationship with money. 1-2 pm at Bethany Lutheran Church, 2511 East Franklin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55406; street parking or in the church lot; enter through the gate on Franklin and ring the bell;
Northeast Minneapolis CoDependents Anonymous (CoDA) Group: East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd Street NE, Mpls, 55413 (corner of 2nd Street NE & 17th Ave NE). Park in lot behind building, use rear entry door. Saturdays: 1-2pm. Contact Ralph W. at or 612-382-0674.
Clutterers Anonymous: St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 2300 Hamline Ave. N., (Hwy. 36), room 220, Roseville. 12 step support group meets the first, third, and fifth Saturday of each month, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Meetings are currently in virtual format via Zoom. Call Laurice: (952) 451-9554. Website:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Group: 1st and 3rd Sat. of the month, 11am -1pm at Faith Mennonite Church, 2720 E. 22nd St, Minneapolis. Website: Call before coming for direction. Burt at 612-547-6388.
Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families: Saturday at 10 a.m., St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, 6180 Highway 65 NE, Fridley MN 55432-5106 (Enter at Door 3). Please see for info.
Men’s & Women’s Support Group: Meetings every Saturday (including holidays) at 9am. Prince of Peace Church, 7217 W. Broadway, Brooklyn Park. (north entrance.) Informal, safe place to share experiences of joy and concerns. We promote growth & positive change to meet the challenges of our lives. Call 763-443-4290.
South Side Men’s Group: Saturdays, 8:20 to 10 a.m. Support for men working toward positive personal change. Creekside Community Center, 9801 Penn Ave. S. Bloomington. Visit www.southsidemensgroup. org.
OA Meeting: Saturday morning at 9:00 AM at Macallister-Plymouth Church. For those still suffering from compulsive overeating, bulimia and anorexia.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Last Updated on November 18, 2022