Tag: depression

12 Months to Change My Life… All Over Again

I always believed that self-help wasn’t suitable for people with bipolar disorder. This year, however, I am experimenting on myself. In 2010, when I embraced recovery, numerous doctors and counselors advised me to avoid the personal development industry. They said a severe mental health diagnosis comes with many limitations that popular self-help practices may not …

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Lessons Learnt From My Mental Health Struggles

I am Stan Popovich and I struggled with fear and anxiety for over 20 years. During these times, my anxieties and fears were so powerful that I had trouble getting through the week and there were times I felt like giving up. I learned numerous lessons from my struggles, which I will share in this …

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First Person: Becoming Bipolar

I didn’t just wake up with bipolar disorder type one. My mental health condition slowly revealed itself over the course of nine years. It is hard to pinpoint when the symptoms began; however, I am certain I noticed something lurking beneath the surface as a teenager. It was obvious to many who loved and cared …

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The Dead Among Us

I’ll never forget the day my friend Martin told me he just got diagnosed with cancer. As I sat sad and stupefied across from him over coffee I silently mused over the possibility that this charming old wise man may leave us way too soon. His erudition and idiosyncratic views of life are legendary. He …

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Between Straight Lines

Elise abruptly stopped using her brown crayon to color the space between the lines of a puppy. She brushed her wispy blond bangs from her eyes and, with a dead-serious expression, blurted out, “I have to go potty.” My wife, our twin 5-year-old daughters and I walked to the steel door. The counselor unlocked it. …

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I had on my brown Ecco shoes. They have rather large, funny heels anyway, but when I looked down just moments after the car accident, my right heel was moved over to one side. I put my right hand on the bottom of my thigh and my left hand on the top, and knew it …

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