The summer before my father died, I traveled Upstate to visit him. After lunch in our town’s arts district, we drove to Lake Ontario to watch the waves roll in. It was warm and pleasant, so out the pier we walked, Dad chatting on about all the fun we used to have, barbequing and playing …
Tag: gambling
Letter From the Editor: Gambling
Gambling is one of the stealthier addictions, both to spot and to succumb to in all its glory. After all, everyone gambles – don’t they? Take, for example, that big ol’ thing called “life.” Every day we take a “gamble” on what we plan to do and keep the faith that it will turn out …
The Faces of Gambling Recovery
Each person’s addiction is unique, as is each story of renewed hope. Gambling disorder, also known as gambling addiction or compulsive gambling, continues to be misunderstood as being caused by a lack of willpower in which gamblers are blamed for their disorder. These myths need to be debunked. To illustrate the insidious way that gambling …
More Help for Problem Gamblers in Minnesota
You don’t have a gambling problem. You don’t even know anyone who has a gambling problem. So just ignore this and go to the next article. After this one question: Did you know that of all addictions, problem gamblers have the highest suicide rate? Maybe you did. Yet, some people don’t even think it’s a …
How Gambling Disorder Distorts the Brain
Addiction — of any kind — is often difficult for many people to understand. But gambling disorder, a compulsion in which no chemicals are actually ingested into the body, can be particularly confounding. Gambling disorder refers to the uncontrollable urge to gamble, despite serious personal consequences. In 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 grouped …
What Have You Got to Lose?
Some gamblers lose everything, even their lives We all like to win. Some people, though, obsess about winning and sacrifice everything they care about to pursue the next big win. They typically go down hard and fast. Money losses are quick and massive. Friends and family react with horror and disdain when finding out they’re …
The Push of Pain, The Pull of Hope – A Gambler’s Story
I grew up with alcoholics. There were aunts and uncles that gave me boozy hugs, a godmother that called and picked fights after a few cocktails, and a dad that died of cirrhosis. As a result, I have a favorite quote, “If you can’t be a good example, at least be a horrible warning.” My …