The Gratitude Element: A New Look at the Serenity Prayer

GratitudeElementBy Mark T. Scannell

Gasscann Publishers

Although Scannell is no longer a Catholic priest, his interest in spirituality is clear. He describes the history and evolution of The Serenity Prayer, a prayer of petition, which has been used for years by religious and Twelve Step groups. He identifies the prayer’s different versions and the authors attributed to it.

Scannell indicates his intent to add to the prayer by including gratitude in the last sentence: “I am grateful for the serenity, courage, and wisdom you have given me.” He discusses how resentments and feelings of entitlement can hold one back from experiencing the gifts of gratitude. He also describes several gratitude practices he uses and the benefits he has experienced.

Each chapter concludes with Reflection Questions for contemplation, such as, “Where have you acted courageously in your life?”

Last Updated on March 26, 2016